Haifa <> Weimar:
Exchange Project with the Music Department, University of Haifa

This Summer 2018, Yiddish Summer Weimar/other music e.V., in cooperation with Hochschule für Musik Weimar, is offering an orchestral project for instrumentalists up to 26-years-old with a good background in Classical, Jazz, Folk, or Early Music.

Jewish, Arabic, and European music are part of an often-overlooked historical, transnational cultural matrix, which the project will make visible once more. Together with Ilya Shneyveys, a long-time instructor for Yiddish Summer, a 15-piece ensemble will fly to Israel. There they will work with Arabic music specialist Jiryis Murkus Ballan at the Department of Music, University of Haifa to develop an evening-length concert program dealing with the intersection of European, Jewish, and Arabic music and their mutual influences. The whole orchestra will then travel to Weimar and continue to work and rehearse. In addition, there will be cultural programs in both Israel and Germany. 

Up-to-date information is available at www.caravanorchestra.eu

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The project "CARAVAN ORCHESTRA – A Transnational Journey of Musical and Cultural Discovery" 2017 was supported by a grant from the Stiftung Deutsch-Israelisches Zukunftsforum |
קרן פורום העתיד גרמניה- ישראל